Laundry Detergent

On October 19, 2022 I made our own laundry detergent for the very first time. I wasn’t sure we would like it. Here it is February 22, 2025, and there are only one or two loads worth of that first batch left in the jug. It lasted about two years and four months. We do… Continue reading Laundry Detergent

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The Bank

Some things that we have to do in life are just stressful, there is no way around it, one has to go through it. Attila and I spent the last several weeks going through it, and are out the other side now. We had to renew our mortgage. As we all know, mortgage interest rates… Continue reading The Bank

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Facebook, phooey.

I find that I frequent Facebook less and less as time goes on. The hysteria exhibited by people in the face of difficult times is corrosive, and oh so loud on Facebook. Constant descriptions of conditions, and pseudo-intellectual analysis of the current conditions, do nothing at all to promote social sanity. It matters not to… Continue reading Facebook, phooey.

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Another very cold sunny day today. We ventured out despite the wind chill of -25C. One of the pleasant things about this kind of cold is that the snow crunches underfoot, and the footing is very firm. We crunched along the road, only to find that the sidewalks have not yet been plowed after Sunday’s… Continue reading Rambling

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Gentle Rain

What do I think about on a sunny and cold afternoon. All sorts of things. Today I’ve been on a mental exploration focused on health care. I wrote an earlier post about that today. While I was thinking about health issues, I developed an öhrwurm “earworm”. A song that played internally, a song I loved,… Continue reading Gentle Rain

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