Happily my they got me into surgery right away. I am home again, surviving the anaesthetic, the procedure, and the recovery. I have to wait 24 hours to see if there are any complications, not expecting any though, as I am feeling pretty good. The immediate results were normal. they will contact me if any of the biopsies show any issues. So that is over with!
The experience was wonderful, all of the people at the hospital were wonderful. I am grateful for that.
Thank you everyone for all the support and good wishes, such a comfort to me through the experience!
!!!!!!!YAY!!!!!!! Love you to bits.
I’m so glad you’re safely home. Prayers for good healing and for the doctors as they examine the biopsies. <3 <3
Love you too SP! I am recovering well I think, so far,so good!
Thank you Joan! It is such a relief to be on the other side of this surgery!! I had three concerns: complications of the surgery, the results of the surgery (partly known as normal now), and the possibility of issues with my allergy (didn’t happen!). Knowing what isn’t wrong with me is a big plus! <3 <3
Great to hear all went well – well what you are aware of at the moment that is. Now for a few days of quiet rest then back to enjoying summer – no overdoing the food prep ( canning bottling freezing – all that stuff you are good at)
Take care
Cathy, thank you! I will take any good news I can get 🙂 Rest sounds good, Attila will be keeping an eye on me for the first 24 hours to make sure all is as it should be, I am lucky and wll cared for. The food prep will be tempting, but I know all to well what happens when I try to rush a recovery, so slow and steady win the race, it won’t be easy, lol!
YAY!!!! I’m so happy it’s over!! Hoping for good news on the biopsies soon@
Thanks Sandy! It feels great to be on the other side of the surgery! Looking forward to the results of the biopsies, maybe there will be some answers there.
Glad the surgery is over with and that you are back home! Fingers crossed that the biopsies are all normal. Hugs!
Thanks Eileen! It is great to be home again, although I am not completely back up to speed yet. Attila is here today, as I’ve had to be monitored for 24 hours by a responsible adult, lol. I was advised not to drive, operate machinery, make importants decisions, or shop. I found the shopping tip funny, but good advice nonetheless.
Wonderful! So glad to hear you’re back home and doing well. Such a great load taken from your shoulders! Best wishes for a swift recovery!
Thank you Teri! You are right, being on the other side of this surgery is a load off my shoulders.