At last, a visit to see my Mom! It has been years, literally years, since I last saw my Mom, or my sisters. The pandemic has been quite the experience for all of us!
The traffic on the drive to the visit was horrendous, it was stop and go for miles and miles and miles and miles… six hours after leaving home we arrived. We arrived safe and sound, which is something to be grateful for. We stayed with my youngest sister, who opened home and heart to us. We were able to visit with my Mom, my two sisters, and my niece and her husband and new baby. It was just so precious, I cherish times like these.
It is quite a distance to visit. Over the years we have stayed with my sisters on every visit to see my Mom. It has always been a warm and wonderful family time, for which I am very grateful, to my sisters, and to my Mom.
This was the first time I have had face-to-face contact with family (other than Attila) since 2019. It was a tonic.
We enjoyed a shopping expedition together, and took a drive past our childhood home, the farm. It had changed little since the last time I saw it, when my Mom had us all there for a Christmas dinner, which evoked so many wonderful childhood memories. The familiar tree in the front yard is still there, where I sat at the age of four or five with my Mom on the grass under the tree, as my brother teased me by pulling my hair from behind. It must have been my Dad who snapped the picture, or perhaps it was one of my Aunts. The people who bought the farm are making some changes to the house, but nothing drastic.
My Mom is as beautiful and bright as ever. It was so lovely to see the four generations, Mom, my sister, my niece, my niece’s daughter, laughing together. The baby is enthralled with my Mom, kindred spirits I think.
As we headed home, I was missing them all already!
As I sit here writing, I pause to chat with Ginger. His nose was out of joint at our absence. He had lots of food, and water, and fresh air, and a clean litter box… but he did not approve of being left alone. At first he would not even look at us. Then he began to run around, which is unusual for him, he is a very lazy cat. I could tell that he wanted to bite me to let me know how he felt, but I did not volunteer. Eventually he tried to nip my pant leg, and that seemed to vent his dissatisfaction. He then settled into being petted, and soothed. This morning he is sticking close to me, lounging on his stool beside my chair, soaking up my attentions.
It is just 10:00 a.m. and I am well into my day. I’ve baked bread, muffins for Attila’s lunches, made Switchel, and washed and hung to dry two loads of laundry.
Now I’ve settled in my chair, writing my thoughts here, and thinking about what to add to my to-do list.
Updated on Mon, May 15 at 9:35 AM
Partly cloudy
Wind W km/h
Humidity 57%
Visibility 26 km
Sunrise 5:41 AM
Wind gust 14 km/h
Pressure 102.4 kPa
Ceiling 9100 m
Sunset 8:27 PM
“It is in the knowledge of the genuine conditions of our lives that we must draw our strength to live and our reasons for living.”
Simone de Beauvoir
1908 – 1986
I’m so happy for you. Moms are the best.
Thanks SP!! Yes, Mom’s are the best! I miss your Mom, she was a treasure!
I’m so glad you got to have a visit with your Mother and family! I’m glad they’re all doing well.
Thank you Joan! It was so wonderful to see them again, online communication is a wonder, but face to face, hug to hug, that is sublime.
It was good to hear you had something to enjoy and smile about. Life has been tough for the two of you for a while- turning points come when least expected.
Thanks Cathy! You are so right, turning points can show up when you least expect them. Seeing my Mom, sisters, niece and hubby, and grand niece was a real tonic!
How wonderful to spend time with your Mom and sisters after so much time! It sounds like it was a great visit! Cats want our undivided attention and presence. I’m glad Ginger is back to normal 🙂
Thanks Sandy! It was wonderful to see my Mom and sisters, the years apart hadn’t changed them at all! Cats, gotta love them. Ginger is happy to have us around again, he is used to my presence 24/7!
So lovely! I’m so glad you had that time with your mom and family. Families are so important!
Things have been mostly quiet here. Unlike you, my family is gone. Lost my mom when I was 10. No brothers or sisters. And, sadly, it’s basically been just me for the last 25 years.
Thank you Teri for your good wishes. Your losses are poignant. You have carried on to build a lovely life for yourself, full of love.