Open Windows

Yesterday was quite a busy day for all occupants of Mist Cottage.

Attila split firewood, further reducing the pile of ash logs in the back yard. The bark had fallen away over the course of a year, so that needed to be burned. The apple tree that had been pruned last fall provided a few small logs for the wood stove, but much of it was not suitable. After calling for a burn permit, a camp fire took care of all the bark and gnarly wood, as well as sensitive paperwork that needed to be discarded. Eventually the ashes are added to the three composters, and to the various composting piles of cut grass that fill low spots in the yard. The other project tackled was to fix the long extension ladder. It is old and the previous repair had worn out, requiring support pieces to be created and screwed into place.

I was busy in the kitchen. Hamburger buns were baked, as were strawberry rhubarb squares. A lot of puttering went on as well, small spaces require a lot of moving things out of the way, and then back again. Lots of little jobs were tackled, like emptying the dishwasher, refilling the Berkey, grinding flax seed, refilling jars of dry goods, such as corn starch.

The mail this morning arrived bearing unwelcome news. Our Nurse Practitioner has left the clinic, and she says she might be replaced with new staff this winter. This is the fourth Nurse Practitioner we have had at this clinic, they don’t stay all that long. The letter says our health care will be provided by temporary doctors. At least there is that. My guess is that the clinic will be hiring freshly graduated Nurse Practitioners. Wish us luck.

The weather is perfect today, warm but not hot, sunny, a gentle breeze blows. All of our windows are open.

Today Attila is scraping paint from the soffit and facia and eavestrough across the front of the house. The eavestrough has rusted through in several spots, so it is in need of repair. When the soffit and facia are replaced, so will be the eavestrough.

Attila loves to keep moving around, always having a project underway. He seldom sits for any length of time, and even eats his second supper standing up in the kitchen.

Today I am just puttering about. Ginger becomes distressed if I don’t sit beside him from time to time. He doesn’t need me to pet him, or talk to him, he just needs me here beside him. If I’ve been busy in the kitchen or at the sewing machine, after an hour or so, he comes to find me, informing me of my miscreant behaviour. Ginger thinks I am a cat.

The living room is a pleasant place to spend time. I am not sure anyone else would think so, it certainly would not win any awards for style and design. The furniture is a hodgepodge of second hand furniture, and furniture purchased for our much larger country house. The walls are in very poor condition, the old drywall was covered with some sort of wood panelling that is uneven and split, which we painted with leftover paint from the country house back in 2010. The floor is the original hardwood, which rotted near the entrance door (Attila replaced that door), so there is a gap that has to be addressed. The floor needs refinishing, the walls need to be insulated, the wiring updated, the insulation added (no insulation in these walls), new drywall installed and painted. That would be just a start.

Despite all that could be done, we find the room cozy and comfortable. It is so homely it is beautiful to us.

These Miniature Marigolds are prolific in the garden. I love them. When you brush them with your hand, there is a gentle scent of citrus. These were cut last week. I love to place them near the window, because the view from my easy chair isn’t all that lovely, shingles and power poles and lines, and a hint of green branches. These cheery little blooms are a little thrill of joy in just a glance.



Date:6:00 PM EDT Tuesday 10 September 2024
Condition: Mainly Sunny
Pressure: 102.0 kPa
Tendency: Falling
Temperature: 20.3°C
Dew point: 11.3°C
Humidity: 56%
Wind: SW 17 km/h
Humidex: 22
Visibility: 24 km


“It is dangerous to be sincere unless you are also stupid.”
George Bernard Shaw
1856 – 1950

Fortunately, the majority of people assume you are stupid if you are sincere… problem solved.

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I always say our cats train us well. 🙂 We’re having cooler weather at night and warm weather during the day. It’s perfect and I hope we get to enjoy it for a while longer 🙂


Our Sheltie pup Loki loves to snuggle. After dinner, I stretch out for a little while and he’ll always come over to lay alongside my hip.

I got a new rocker recliner a few weeks ago. It was replacing one I’ve had for 25 years. The upholstery had just begun to fray but the cushion had packed down enough that it had started to cause me some serious issues with the chair arms now being too high and the seat being so low that my legs weren’t high enough to have proper support when getting up. I decided to replace it with an electric rocker recliner but now regret it because the set positions limit my choice of positions too much. I’m not sure if I’ll try to change things or not. While it’s new it would probably be easy to sell, though I’d never get the full price for it.