The light is beginning to fail, the end of the day approaches.
It is International Women’s Day today. Although I’ve not celebrated this day other than in my heart and mind, I am glad of it, and feel an extra connection to other women, and the men who love and support them, who might be feeling glad to be themselves today.
The cold has returned. Biting wind made an early morning walk particularly breathtaking. The blue sky and bright sunshine made up for that.
We are loving retirement. Our car dealership predicted that on retirement, during our conversation with them at the last service appointment, the mileage on the vehicle would increase substantially. We smiled. We knew it would not be so. We are home bodies. The miles travelled by car have dwindled to a small percentage of what they were when Attila drove to and from work five days a week.
Our days are happily busy.
Attila has finished the trolleys on casters that fit under the new canning jar shelves. The five gallon buckets are now neatly stored there. Ropes are attached to the trolleys, which makes them easy to pull out to access the buckets. He is now beginning the arduous task of moving things around, it is a Rubik’s Cube project. Every day sees some progress.
Yesterday I baked two dozen Chocolate Muffins, and baked a loaf of bread. Today I steeped green tea, and started a gallon batch of Kombucha. We enjoy drinking it every day. The original starter was given to us by my baby sister (she just retired, still my “baby” sister), who does a second ferment with hers, which is very delicious. I am not so industrious though, just do the first ferment, then drink it with fruit juice added. Admittedly the first ferment does not compare in taste or in mouth experience to the second ferment Kombucha, but the bugs are the same. The second ferment gives a lovely fruit taste, and a pleasurable carbonation.
Our clocks spring forward overnight, must remember to adjust the battery operated clocks.
There is much to celebrate.
We are also keeping busy keeping calm and carrying on, which is becoming increasingly challenging. We have this.
Date: 9:00 AM EST Saturday 8 March 2025
Condition: Mainly Sunny
Pressure: 100.7 kPa
Tendency: Rising
Temperature: -5.7°C
Dew point: -13.9°C
Humidity: 52%
Wind: WNW 21 gusts 33 km/h
Wind Chill: -13
Visibility: 24 km
“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
1803 – 1882
“I am not so industrious … ”
HaHa Maggie! I can’t imagine anyone more industrious in the kitchen than you.
Hello Kate! I guess my statement is not entirely accurate, LOL. I like to keep processes as simple as possible, even so, our kitchen is a pretty busy place!