Sitting on the Porch

It is the first day of spring tomorrow, it arrived a day early. Today the temperature rose to 18C. It was sunny and mild.

I took full advantage of this and spent a few hours sitting outside on the back porch. It was lovely to sit in the sun, listening to the birds and the breezes. I sat out for several hours, without needing even a light jacket.

Attila took a wee peek around the garden. The horseradish is greening, that is the only activity so far. While we were chatting on the porch a mourning dove landed in the empty bird bath, and was there for quite a while trying to drink water that was not there. Apparently the bowl of the birth bath has cracked, and will no longer hold water. The first attempt at repair is to apply caulking, it is curing now, and in a few days more will be applied. If all else fails a metal bowl can be placed in bird bath, and that will hold water.

The weather is supposed to be much cooler over the next few weeks, mostly below freezing during the nights, and a bit above freezing during the days. But it was so nice to have a little taste of spring today!

Attila continues to work on the basement pantry. Today he moved a shelf unit to the garage, then filled it with totes from the basement. This was done to give him access to the front wall, where he will install a new electrical outlet to run the freezer. When the electrical outlet is installed, the next step is to take out a wall, which will facilitate moving the freezer to the front wall. This would go a lot more quickly if there was someplace to move the totes and a lot of other items out of the way. Living in a very small house has its challenges.


Date: 6:00 PM EDT Wednesday 19 March 2025
Condition: Mostly Cloudy
Pressure: 100.5 kPa
Tendency: Falling
Temperature: 12.8°C
Dew point: 0.2°C
Humidity: 42%
Wind: S 28 gusts 41 km/h
Visibility: 24 km


“For glad Spring has begun,

And to the ardent sun
The earth, long time so bleak,

Turns a frost-bitten cheek.”

Celia Thaxter
1835 – 1894

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It really feels like we might have an early Spring in the midwest. We’re getting unseasonably warm days and cooler evenings. I try to enjoy each day 🙂


We actually reached 17C/63F, today! But by afternoon it was near freezing and snowing! Tomorrow, it’s supposed to be 7C/45F and sunny. Yo-yo weather. Up down.

All of our snow is now gone. I need to get out side when the grass is dry and look at our front garden. Surprisingly, the coral bells still have bright red leaves on them, even though they’ve been under the snow.