Good With The Bad

I had a good day today. At work, I had a good day at work. It wasn’t great, but it was not painful, my standards for a good day are pretty low at this point. And the sun came out in the afternoon making the drive home gorgeous.

I do not expect another good day anytime soon, but having one is something to be grateful for. It was three weeks ago today that I was told I would be let go. And it was one year ago today that I started this job.

Nothing much else going on. Attila and I have been eating falafels every night for dinner, love them. Our falafel balls are baked rather than fried, so they are lower in fat and we heap them with cucumber, tomato, hot sauce and tahini sauce.

I just wanted to record that I had a good day, I need to take the good with the bad!

Worldly Distractions


7 °C
Condition: Cloudy
Pressure: 101.1 kPa
Visibility: 16 km
Temperature: 7.4°C
Dewpoint: -3.8°C
Humidity: 45 %


“Everywhere I go I find a poet has been there before me.”

Sigmund Freud
1856 – 1939

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Glad you had a good day. A whole year at the job, doesn’t seem that long from this end, though for you, it must seem interminable. Do you have a last day of work date yet? It doesn’t seem fair for you to continue indefinately. Though, the paycheck is good.

I wish I could get my husband to try falafel, he is not great on experimentation in middle eastern foods!

Stubblejumpin Gal (Kate)

You have made me hungry. Falafels for breakfast? Hm. Why not. Except that I don’t have the fixins in the house. Another smoothie for me, I guess.


I’m glad you had a break in the drudgery. I hope you have many more good days. It’s been awhile since I’ve eaten falafel.