
It is cold here at the little house in the city, -22C. It is also windy. I have a thermostat. This is heavenly.

As cold as I think it is here, Attila has a full scale deep-freeze going on at the country house. It is -32C there at the moment. There are snow squall warnings, although when I talked to Attila it wasn’t snowing, it had earlier. It is after 9:00 p.m., and he has been busy since he got home from work, firing the masonry heater, and toting wood to burn in the little wood stove downstairs. He will be firing the masonry heater again during the night, and then again first thing in the morning. He eats bits of this and that when he gets short breaks from his heating obligations. He is in good spirits, which is more easily accomplished because this cold snap is due to end by the weekend.

Today I attended a Yoga class. I haven’t practised Yoga for over thirty years! This was a beginners class and geared to seniors. I really enjoyed it, and will probably attend weekly. The best part is that it is held within walking distance of the little house! I did not walk today though!

After I returned home from my class, I fixed a quick lunch. It was time to visit the laundromat again, and this time remembered to bring my soap. I brought the clean wet laundry home and hung it all over the house.

Terra and Lares dropped by for a few minutes, as they were in town. We had a pleasant little chat. They have asked Attila and I to dog sit in February, which we will do for them.

No walk today! This morning as I sat at the table eating my breakfast, gazing out the window, I spied the young girl from down the street heading for the school bus. She was clearly having trouble keeping warm, particularly her face. The wind! I had thought I might go out, but when I saw her having such a time in the wind I decided to stay indoors. Tomorrow I will walk.

Worldly Distractions


The Little House in the City
Date: 9:00 PM EST Wednesday 7 January 2015
Condition: Clear
Pressure: 102.9 kPa
Tendency: rising
Visibility: 24 km
Temperature: -22.5°C
Dewpoint: -28.5°C
Humidity: 59%
Wind: NW 17 km/h
Wind Chill: -33

The Country House
Date: 9:00 PM EST Wednesday 7 January 2015
Condition: Clear
Pressure: 102.8 kPa
Visibility: 16 km
Temperature: -31.0°C
Dewpoint: -33.5°C
Humidity: 79%
Wind: calm


“Hold a book in your hand and you’re a pilgrim at the gates of a new city.”
Anne Michaels

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Maggie, I suspect that doing the yoga class counts as good exercise for the day–especially a day this cold when the wind is blowing.

Although the separation is a challenge, it certainly seems from my side of the screen that being at the little house in the city is doing good things for your spirits this winter.

Irene Bean

It’s 4°F and will get much colder before the night is over. Weather like this makes me nervous because the electric source isn’t always dependable in these tiny mountain communities when it gets this cold. I carry a flashlight with me at night so I can easily access my oxygen tanks if the power should fail and my concentrator stops operating. I’m on 9L02 now – there’s veryveryvery little wiggle room for me. I called my upstairs tenant. He’s lovely though we rarely see each other. I alerted him to my concerns. He’s a dependable source for rescue. Sorry to yak on. I’m a little scared tonight. My three children arrive tomorrow for a long weekend. I’m so excited. More than ever I realize I need to find someone to move in with me. *sigh* Thanks for letting me yak. xo


I don’t think I’ve ever seen/felt it THIS cold before. Wow. I haven’t checked the temp but they said it would be -30 to -40 F with wind chill factor… and I believe it. I let the dogs out but my hands almost iced right up just holding the door open for them… for all the people and animals and birds and creatures of this land who live outside, either by choice or by fate… I say a prayer today for them.

TopsyTurvy (Teri)

Gosh, I know I commented on your post earlier. I wonder where that got to?

Anyhow, glad to hear that you’re enjoying your yoga! DH and I intend to do some active things this winter, once we get past the various more expensive things on our ToDo List, like getting Squee spade.

I’m hoping to get back to walking the dog in the evenings, once it warms up just a little. I think it’s supposed to be a bit better by the weekend.


In an earlier comment you mentioned walking on a slippery icy parking lot at the yoga class.

A lady blog writer in the USA that I also read wrote about walking in ice and snow and she commented that she uses the “Yaktrax shoe ice-traction devices for pedestrians, professionals and the elderly while walking on snow or ice. Patented abrasion resistant skid lock 1.2mm steel coils that fit over one’s shoes”.

The URL for this product is: “”.

They are a bit pricey at $19.99, but if they keep one from slipping, falling, and breaking a hip, they would be worth the money.

It’s just an idea. I have no personal experience with these devices, pro or con. Where I live, Australia, we never have snow or below freezing temperatures so I have no need for things like this.