I don’t remember feeling this raunchy for this long! Here it is Monday, a week and a day since the first symptoms appeared, and I am still hacking away, with a runny nose, with reduced energy levels. I am feeling better, no doubt about it, the sore throat is just a little bit sore from the hacking cough, and the headache has all but disappeared, just short flashes of it now. My shortness of breath has improved.
The cough is intrusive, so much so that when it woke me up at midnight, I could not go back to sleep, having to sit up and cough so often allowed for no rest. I was finally so exhausted I fell asleep shortly after Attila awoke to begin his day, shortly after 5:00 a.m. and slept for a few hours.
I feel better, and I keep expecting to be back to normal now!
Saturday was a busy day at Mist Cottage. Attila loves to BBQ with charcoal. Many moons ago I bought him a Weber portable charcoal BBQ for his birthday. This is the second weekend he fired it up and cooked chicken and beef. The coals last a long time, so three to four meals worth of meat is cooked while the coals are hot, one meal to be shared with me on the day of the BBQ, and the rest to be refrigerated, for quick mid-week microwave meals.
While BBQing, Attila worked on his garden. He decided against growing green beans, because the rabbits will not leave them alone. No need to fence in part of the garden then, so that project was abandoned. Instead, potatoes were planted in the last section of the garden. Also planted were marigolds, cosmos, and zucchini. Attila is really enjoying his garden, it is something that brings him peace of mind, and a great deal of satisfaction.
My activities involved more sedentary projects. I paid bills, updated web sites, hung laundry out to dry, and baked a rhubarb crisp with fresh rhubarb from the garden. I followed a new recipe, calling for 4 cups of rhubarb and 1 1/2 cups of sugar… wayyyy too sweet! It weighed in at about 8 teaspoons of sugar per serving, over the daily limit of 6 teaspoons, and the taste was sweeter than my palate is currently used to, making it less appealing. The recipe will be adjusted for the next batch, reducing the total sugar added to 1 cup only. Attila will take it in his lunches this week.
Sunday arrived cloudy, and cool but not chilly. What to do with Sunday. We dropped off some birthday cards and presents for Sunny and Sky, but did not go in. Whatever I have is awful, not something I want to share with a pregnant Terra, or two bouncy two year olds. Then it was off to the Rideau Camp, which had two weeks to revert to long weeds and dozens and dozens of darks masses of Army Worms in the forest around the perimeter.
Attila cut weeds. I killed Army Worms. I mixed a quarter cup of Dawn Detergent, four cups of bleach, and six litres of water in a pump sprayer and went to it. Wow, that worked so well that I managed to kill off every mass of worms up to the height of 10 feet, higher than that was beyond reach of the sprayer. There were three or four masses above the level I could reach, there was nothing to be done about them. We worked from around noon until 5 p.m., when it started to sprinkle. By the time we packed up to leave it was raining. On the trip home the rain turned into a downpour, which continued all the way home, and then on into the night.
The last two times we arrived at the Camp, we noticed someone had tried to the door to Grace the trailer. Someone has been trespassing. So far there has been no damage, and nothing has been tampered with. Since there are no trespassing signs on the property, this seems inconsiderate at best, aggressive at worst, and illegal however you look at it. We have a few ideas on how to proceed in dealing with this, but are still deciding how to move forward.
The garlic planted at the Camp is thriving! Two weeks ago Attila planted four Blue Hubbard Squash plants; they are up and also thriving. If our Blue Hubbard Squash plants at the Camp, and here at Mist Cottage, bear fruit as well as last year, we will have a surplus of Blue Hubbard Squash. As for garlic, we can never have too much garlic.
Being on my feet and spraying into the trees for five hours on Sunday may have set me back a little, recovering from whatever is ailing me. It may be why my cough worsened to the point where I could not sleep. But perhaps not. My energy levels are rising, and I was truly enjoying myself while at the Camp, being out in the bush, in the fresh air, so busy that time passed unnoticed.
Well, here it is noon, and all I’ve managed is to drink my morning cup of coffee. Eating isn’t appealing at this point, but it is time to spend time in the kitchen, and attend to my breakfast, which it turns out is also my midday meal.
Worldly Distractions
Date: 12:00 PM EDT Monday 4 June 2018
Condition: Mostly Cloudy
Pressure: 100.3 kPa
Tendency: Falling
Temperature: 17.6°C
Dew point: 15.4°C
Humidity: 87%
Wind: SW 21 gust 36 km/h
Visibility: 24 km
“Climbing out of poverty by your own efforts that is something on which to pride yourself, but poverty itself is romanticized only by fools.”
J. K. Rowling
The majority of the population on planet earth have very limited opportunity to climb out of poverty, regardless of their efforts. I think only those who have opportunities could ever romanticize poverty.
I hope you feel better soon, Maggie. You had a lot of ailments all at once! I’ll bet it’s a relief to have killed that many worms. That’s kind of creepy to think someone tried to get into Grace the trailer. I wonder if it’s one of your neighbors or their kids maybe. It’s too bad you couldn’t set up a wireless camera, but it probably wouldn’t work in deep woods. I hope that situation gets resolved for you. Rest up!
Hope the cough eases off and your energy continues to improve.
Thanks Sandy, I am hopeful that the this thing will soon run its course.
I don’t like army worms, and getting rid of them is a great relief. I love the trees and to see them stripped of their leaves would be grievous.
I have a few theories about who it might be, certainly it might be the neighbours, or kids, or a few other possibilities. Time will tell.
Rest! I am enjoying it. 🙂
Wendy, thanks for the kind thoughts. Soldiering on with the resting. 🙂
Feel better soon, Maggie. Hate those coughs that linger on and on.
Thanks Eileen! Being a hacker, ha ha, is not one of my ambitions. I am wondering how long this thing will go on!
Whenever I get a illness with accompanying cough it’s always the cough that stays the longest. This winter I had a very mild cold, almost no symptoms, but the cough stayed with me for a month.
Hope you don’t set yourself back too far with exerting yourself.
Hope you are on the mend now – I take it you are still having the honey and lemon (with a paracetamol if allowed) Shortness of breath is not good (you should see a Dr)
Don’t laugh but have you tried putting Vicks vapor rub on your feet? It’s supposed to help stop coughing
By the way – raunchy obviously means something different to Canadians than in other parts of the world LOL
Take care
Teri, thanks for the healing thoughts.
I seem to be finding the same thing with the cough, I was up this morning at four, coughing away, and again this morning. It is slightly less intense though, good.
Cathy, the shortness of breath worried me the most, if it had gotten any worse I would have gone to the emergency department, on that worst day I had even chosen which hospital to go to (they aren’t all offering the same quality of diagnosis, one I have been to a few times misdiagnosed me on two different occasions, prescribed dangerous drugs for simple ailments, and has sent people home who died there from the illness that took them to the emergency department). I am breathing normally now. This is a symptom to respect though. My sisters friend, in her 50s, caught cold, developed pneumonia, went septic, and died within a few short days. A cautionary tale, at least for me.
Oh dear! I’ve stumbled into a word with an international personality, without knowing it. I’ll be exploring the different colloquial usages of raunchy! Thanks for the heads up!
The flu I had at Xmas was followed by a cough and shortness of breath that lasted a long time. Many others reported the same thing. Maybe it’s this particular strain that you have. Scary about your sister’s friend! How often do we think it’s “just” the flu or a cold, and try to wait it out! -Kate
It sounds like the same strain Kate! I just read a post written by a woman who had been at a conference in Canada and arrived home with exactly the same symptoms I’ve been experiencing. This is a pretty nasty strain. I waited it out, glad I did because things turned around, but I was ready to head for the hospital for a while there!