Here are a few of my favorite online haunts:
[This is the site I visit to fantasize about
living in Toronto again, which is almost
every single
day during the winter]
Jonathan Cainer's Zodiac Forecasts
[This is where I visit in the morning, when
I need a positive spin on things past, present
and future.]
Living Local
[This is where I go to see what Canadians
are up to, sometimes I even buy things from
the businesses listed there.]
Environment Canada Weather
[This is the site I visit every morning,
and before every road trip during the winter]
The other day I suspected the worst of someone's motives, attributing their actions to greed and self-interest. To my shock, I had abused their goodwill! Their motivation was kindness! Luckily, my old habit of "observation before conclusion" stood me in good staid. Thankfully, I did not express my doubts. The individual did not know of, or suspect my uncertainties.
This has happened several times in my life, this failure to detect goodwill. That is a good track record, but a sad one. What kind of world would we be living in, if people could be counted upon to be kind, or even to act with integrity? It is not something one can expect to encounter, but what a pleasure when you do!
Therefore, I would like to write this "thank you" here in my journal, to the person I so misjudged, for lighting up a dark corner. I need not identify the individual. They had no knowledge of my concerns, assuming that I understood their kind motives. There are so many kind people it might be...
The weather has been wonderful so far this summer, only a few days so hot and humid as to drive me indoors. Saturday last was warm and sunny when Attila finally took a day off work. We packed our goodies, our bathing suits and our towels, our chairs and utensils, and headed off into the great big world.
Predictably, we drove directly to the beach to sit under the pines, and promptly nodded off in our chairs. The scent of pine needles pierces time straight through to the bone of memory. I remember it well from my childhood, most poignantly what it felt like to be five years old, sitting under a pine tree on a hot afternoon, waiting for my Grandmother, who was busy inside the old one-room schoolhouse. I will always be five years old while sitting under a pine tree on a sunny summer afternoon.
Although the weather has been lovely from my perspective, it does have its drawbacks. The bread has been behaving inconsistently. It rises, but falls in the middle when baked. These unpredictable results happen every summer. However, I suspect that part of the problem is that this is a new recipe for Rye Bread. Usually it takes a while to perfect a recipe, to tweak it until it rises and bakes just the way we like it. This one really needs some work. Luckily, it tastes great, and since one expects Rye Bread to have a slightly dense texture, it is acceptable. When only a slice is viewed, and not the loaf, the bread looks fine.
This spring I went to a great deal of effort to attain a special birthday gift for Attila. He fondly remembers his Grandfather barbecuing roasts of beef on a Weber Charcoal BBQ. Therefore, the desired gift was a portable charcoal BBQ, made by the Weber Company. Not one of the contacted Canadian retailers sold this particular model. However, a truly nice man at the head office of a company, that distributes Weber products in Canada, came to my assistance. He arranged for a local Hardware Store to take delivery of the BBQ, and sell it to me at a fair price.
Our diet now includes the occasional barbecued roast of beef. How delicious it is, easily the best I have ever tasted. The bonus is that the BBQ is portable, and so it can accompany us to the beach. Which it did last Saturday, providing us with wonderful grilled hamburgers and hot dogs.
The birthday gift was perfect for Attila. It was a perfect gift from my perspective as well; when Attila enjoys cooking, I enjoy eating.
Worldly Distractions

What Mist did.
A New Poem
The Perfect Ending
By the Easy Chair
Evenings at Five: A Novel
by Gail Godwin
Bites and Pieces
from the Devil's Advocacy Society
CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation)
Where the right-minded Canadians celebrate themselves, and their world view, via public funding.
14:58 EDT
Temp: 24`C
Humidity: 54%
Wind: NW 13 km/h
Barometric: 101.3 kPa
Sunrise 6:05 AM EDT
Sunset 8:01 PM EDT

What Mist saw. |