morning a movement in the yard caught
my eye, as I was reading my email at
the computer. A wild turkey was stretching
its wings. As I watched two more turkeys
strolled into view. They were large
birds, and their colouring was completely
black. The turkeys we saw, a few Thanksgivings
ago, were mottled gray and brown. It was -20C out there, feathers were ruffled a bit to enhance body warmth, or so I supposed. All three turkeys strolled across the yard and into the forest. "Good luck to you", I thought to myself. The grip of winter is tightening, -20C this morning. There is a definite edge to the air indoors, but if one bundles up accordingly comfort can be achieved. The temperature is as high as 19C near the masonry fireplace, and it declines with increasing rapidity as one moves towards the perimeter of the house. The bedroom is quite chilly, but still well above freezing. A technique for comfort under these circumstances is to warm one's clothing in front of the fireplace, and then to dress in front of the fireplace. This ensures a warm transition into the day. I always know that winter has arrived when I'm warming my clothes and dressing in front of the masonry heater in the mornings. Once dressed warmly, the cool indoor temperature is very livable. However, there is a huge disadvantage to becoming accustomed to low indoor temperatures. When one is spending time with other people, visiting or at work, what they consider to be a normal temperature feels unbearably hot and cloying. The last time I was at work I was dripping with sweat and felt faint at times, all due to the "normal" indoor temperature of the building. Others found the warm temperature quite comfortable, so I just soldiered on in damp silence. I really could not take off another layer of clothing, and remain socially acceptable! |
RECIPES :: Cast Worldly Distractions Wild Turkey Tracks on a frigid Saturday morning. Airwaves Sunshine Jonathan Edwards Quote “For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.” Judy Garland Weather -20 °C Condition: Sunny Pressure: 101.8 kPa Tendency: steady Visibility: 16 km Temperature: -19.0°C Dewpoint: -20.7°C Humidity: 87 % Wind: 4 km/h Wind Chill: -22 |
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