Mist and I spent a quiet New Year's
Eve watching a movie on TV. Mist slept
though most
of the movie and through the arrival
of the New Year. Although Attila and
I were drifting in and out of sleep
as we sat in our chairs, we were awake
at the stroke of midnight and able to
say "Happy New Year" to each other.
We talked with Terra and Lares just
after midnight,
the party they were attending sounded
like a good time was being had by all. This morning Luna called, she is staying with a friend over New Years, as Janus has to work through the holidays. Elf talked to me briefly on the telephone, Imp will not talk on the telephone, to anyone except her Daddy, well maybe to Dora the Explorer if Dora happened to call, and Tink is not talking to anyone at all just yet. Another year begins! Let me see, this first day of the year we have snow falling, very pretty; we are free of pain, very good; we are warm, excellent; we have enough food to eat, wonderful; we have the two (Mist says, "wait a minute, that's THREE) of us for company, thank goodness! That's the basics covered, so we are off to a really good start. I am not sure what this year will bring. What I am hoping for is greater sense of connection with other people and a sense that there is something in the world worth belonging to... a very tall order in a world where Competition and Profit are the popular alters of worship! Today Attila is kicking off the new year by chopping wood for the day's fires. We also need to rehang curtains in the rooms I will use for my little business, as business is picking up a little bit. The old curtains aren't very attractive; they are more attractive than the boarded up windows. Last week I spent an afternoon and whipped up a pair of curtains for the bathroom window, also boarded up. I made them out of tea towels I'd purchased for next to nothing (that is less than $0.50 each) at an end-of-season sale last fall. I am very pleased with them. Since it is snowing today, Attila will also need to spend some hours clearing the driveway, and perhaps the deck as well. He has a busy day ahead of him. My to do list for the first day of the year includes writing this entry. I'll also do a some tidying and cleaning. I've been making excellent progress on my family tree this past month, so I'd like to do a little work on that today as well. Our Twelve Weeks of Winter Tour de Force has officially begun. The first weeks are the easiest, as things settle down after the hustle and bustle of the Holiday Season. The real challenge begins in February, and culminates in March as the race against cabin fever nears the spring finish line in April. |
RECIPES :: Cast Worldly Distractions My Sewing Project December 2009 Airwaves Skymningspolskan Maria Kalaniemi On The Screen Me, Myself and Irene starring Jim Carey [This was our first exposure to the unedited version of this movie, a lot more interesting than the edited version, I can tell you!] Quote "I've learned that finishing a marathon isn't just an athletic achievement. It's a state of mind; a state of mind that says anything is possible." John Hanc [anyone who lives in central or northern Ontario, and faces a driveway with a snow shovel, knows what this guy is talking about!] Weather -3 °C Condition: Snow Pressure: 101.2 kPa Tendency: steady Visibility: 10 km Temperature: -3.0°C Dewpoint: -4.9°C Humidity: 87 % Wind: NNW 18 km/h Wind Chill: -9 |
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