My day began with preparations for a routine blood test. I must walk to the lab where the blood test is taken, it is about a twenty minute brisk walk. Because today is supposed to be very, very hot and humid, the venture was undertaken first thing in the morning, arriving as they opened at 8:00 a.m. I was very hot and tired upon arrival, and it was almost an hour before I felt physically comfortable again. Luckily I had a seat, and only waited one and a half hours to have the sample taken. The walk home was more challenging, the day was heating up, the sun was hot, there was no shade. My hat helped a bit, and a slow pace was required. Finally home safe and sound, cool refreshments were in order!
Sunday was the most intense day of canning, beginning with the multi-ingredient salsa, and the first experience with the tomato mill. Monday was a lot less intense as the bulk of the red shepherd peppers were canned, just peppers and water went into the jars. It was the first time the pressure canner came into use this harvest season, so that procedures had to be reviewed carefully before proceeding. But once started it went very smoothly, and a second, smaller, batch was canned as well, twenty six jars of peppers all sealed.
The jars of peppers all had to be washed and labelled, dried, and put into boxes for storage, the first post-walk task for the morning. The rings were difficult to get off the jars, very sticky, which is indicative of the high sugar content in the peppers. They should be lovely for winter soups.
Laundry needed to be washed and hung to day, both of my aprons were in need of washing after such a busy weekend in the kitchen. The lining of my test apron further disintegrated in the wash, just tatters of it left now. It is still functional though. There won’t be time to sew the new aprons just now, harvest and preservation season take precedent over all other projects.
There were lots of little things to tidy up after so much canning over the weekend. Equipment to clean and put away, bread to bake, muffins to make, all the little things of day to day life that were put on hold for three days.
The heat and humidity outside are oppressive, so I am staying indoors where it is cooler and a lot less humid, quite comfortable. Attila is at work in the heat, he will be exhausted when he arrives home. The hot humid days take a lot out of him, as he works hard. A short nap, a nice meal, a few hours in his garden, and he revives.
This afternoon I made time to sit quietly on my easy chair, eyes closed, feet up. It felt very nice to rest. This evening Attila will harvest the basil and we will be making a large quantity of pesto for the freezer. Tomorrow evening we will be pickling a mix of green peppers and garden hot peppers. I think on Thursday evening we might just rest!
Updated on Tue, Sep 5 at 3:25 PM
A few clouds
Wind 11 W km/h
Humidity 47 %
Visibility 33 km
Sunrise 6:34 AM
Wind gust 16 km/h
Pressure 101.2 kPa
Ceiling 9100 m
Sunset 7:37 PM
“I row after health like a waterman…”
Jonathan Swift
1667 – 1745
Humidity always makes the weather more uncomfortable. I hope you enjoy all the results of your labors!
Look at you go!
You are much more ambitious than me. I’d be ashamed of myself if I didn’t think it was okay not to do all that food preparation. But you impress me!
That walk for blood work sounded tough. I’ve had times walking on the country road when it wasn’t even that hot but I got overheated and could hardly move my legs one more step. Glad you made it home safely.
Joan, yes, humidity does enhance the darker side of weather! I am looking forward to those red peppers in my winter soups!
Kate, with my allergies and the food industry using more and more chemicals and preservatives, getting serious about home food preservation is the only way to go!
The walk was pretty tough, I was tired all through the rest of the day. Luckily I was able to take things slowly, and paced myself. Thanks for your good wishes!