I wanted to include these images with yesterday’s post, but my storage was full, and ceased to function as desired. I’ve backed up and removed images, so it is working again!
The newly pruned Crab Apple tree, with luxurious blooms. The silhouette of the dead Ash tree, furthest from the house. So sad to see this wonderful shade tree succumb to the Emerald Ash Borer. Our “lawn”! A clump of violets rescued from our “lawn”, now thriving in the garden bed. Rhubarb found in a bucket at the end of someone’s driveway, marked “free”. Slow start after planting, doing nicely now. Rhubarb Muffins, made with Rhubarb from our garden. The new fire pit burning merrily along.
Your crab apple tree look beautiful!! I feel badly whenever a tree is cut down even when it needs to for safety reasons.
Beautiful crab apple tree and violets!
Thanks Eileen! It is so happy to be rid of the dead wood!
Thanks Joan! Spring colours are a joy!
How I miss rhubarb since I moved south from my place of origin. It’s just too hot here for it to grow and the locals know nothing of it. Enjoy!
Good to see photos! -Kate
Hi Maggie,
I know this has nothing to do with this post but I just came across your poetry and just had to tell you how much I loved them all! I just sat and read until I had read them all…they are so wonderful! They really stirred my emotions and touched my heart. I can’t even come up with the words! Hope you add more poetry soon.
Cookie! I haven’t written any poetry for quite some time, you inspire me! Thank you so much for your sweet comments, what a wonderful, wonderful surprise!!
Wendy, I would miss rhubarb too! We figure we cannot have too much of it, so an extra row is more than welcome. I’ve been dicing it small and using it in muffins, Attila loves them. He likes cranberry muffins because of the little sour bits, so the rhubarb is a good choice for him, and we can grow it ourselves. We won’t be trying to grow cranberries anytime soon!
Kate! I haven’t been taking many photos over the last year or so, I sort of lost my oomph for photography. I am back at it again now though. I use an ipad to take photographs, not very powerful, but I’m not professional so it works fine for me. I had a few issues with getting the photos off the ipad, but that is resolved now, so it is all systems go!