Another very cold sunny day today. We ventured out despite the wind chill of -25C. One of the pleasant things about this kind of cold is that the snow crunches underfoot, and the footing is very firm. We crunched along the road, only to find that the sidewalks have not yet been plowed after Sunday’s… Continue reading Rambling
Author: Maggie Turner
Gentle Rain
What do I think about on a sunny and cold afternoon. All sorts of things. Today I’ve been on a mental exploration focused on health care. I wrote an earlier post about that today. While I was thinking about health issues, I developed an öhrwurm “earworm”. A song that played internally, a song I loved,… Continue reading Gentle Rain
Sunshine and Shadow
The sunshine. The storm has passed and the sun is shining. The wind chill this morning was -25C. We decided that after having stayed inside during the storm yesterday, a walk would do us good. Out we went, crunching down the plowed but still snow covered street. When we had walked some distance, we came… Continue reading Sunshine and Shadow
It stormed yesterday. It will storm again tonight and through until Monday evening. Today we managed to fit in all of our appointments. At one of our appointments we had a lively discussion with the professional we visited about nutrition, food, health, and reliable information. I promised to share my Chocolate Zucchini Muffin Recipe, and… Continue reading Appointments
Snow Storm
The snow started yesterday evening, it continues today, mixed with freezing rain and ice pellets. We had an appointment today, saw the weather report yesterday, cancelled, and setup another appointment with hopefully better weather. We aren’t venturing off the property today. Attila is busy, shovelling snow, and ice, and working on his pantry project in… Continue reading Snow Storm