I am blessed with relatively good health, and Attila too (he needs it, heating this house with wood!) My thoughts are with those who are not as fortunate this Christmas, I have several dear cousins who are struggling with cancer and long wait times over the holiday season. I hope they have a truly wonderful… Continue reading Counting My Blessings December 19, 2011
Author: Maggie Turner
Counting My Blessings December 18 2011
Family, people who know you from the time you arrive on the planet, until the time you leave; if your lucky. I feel lucky! This Christmas I received a very special teacup and saucer from my Mom. They belonged to my Grandmother. Just touching them gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling. I think about… Continue reading Counting My Blessings December 18 2011
Counting My Blessings December 17 2011
Blessing Counted for December 17 2011 Remembering how magical Christmas was when I was a child. My mother created magic for us with nothing to work with but love and determination. Merry Christmas Mom.
Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to work we go…
Attila and I are still busy working out a decent recipe for dishwashing liquid. Lots of people on the net claim to offer a great recipe, I beg to differ with all I’ve tried so far. Tonight I mixed up a new batch, using a new recipe. I have my fingers crossed. I am prepared… Continue reading Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to work we go…
Makin’ Our Own
I just have to start, just start, writing again! The working world is swallowing my energy whole! There, there, I’m telling myself, I’m still here. I am writing, am I not? Attila and I have been working, working, working and little else. Every evening after dinner I attempt to clean off my desk, and after… Continue reading Makin’ Our Own