Oodles of Rain

We have had oodles of rain. Everything is green, green green. The dragonflies are everywhere at our country house. Not only are they beautiful, they eat mosquitoes and black flies. I LOVE dragonflies; and bats, because bats eat mosquitoes too. Attila is working today, I am not. No complaint from me! We have plans for… Continue reading Oodles of Rain

Brief Visit

I’ve been waiting for the dust to settle, for life to coalesce into some kind of routine, or at the very least to make a little bit of sense. It isn’t happening. Not now. Probably not anytime soon. Working full time is very interesting. I like the people I work with. I like the work.… Continue reading Brief Visit

Sunshine by Proxy

Attila and I have had a busy week. We both worked as paid labour every day, which is a necessary evil in modern life, one we are fortunate to experience only because the alternative is destitution. Attila is working today. During the winter he works only part of Saturday, but when spring arrives, bringing with… Continue reading Sunshine by Proxy

Spring at Last

Spring has arrived in full force! The leaves have burst out over the last week or so and are growing larger and larger, day by day. There are wonderful smells in the forest, as green things spring to life. The wild cherry blossoms have a particularly lovely scent. The black flies are atrocious and the… Continue reading Spring at Last