I’ve reached a decision. The next time that the new-part time job drives me to distraction my one-week notice will be submitted. Long hours are one thing, gratuitous stress is quite another. One month of full-time and part-time work will bring Attila and I into a state of solvency, then we will likely be able… Continue reading Gaining Ground
Author: Maggie Turner
Penny Pinchers and Grasshoppers
Well! That was a week I wouldn’t want to experience very often, satisfying as it was! The full-time job I started last Monday is working out very well thus far, and I anticipate it will continue to be pleasantly challenging. I think I may have landed on my feet there, fingers crossed that I’m not… Continue reading Penny Pinchers and Grasshoppers
Big Bite
Well, today I started at my new part-time job; training this week. There is a lot to absorb. Nice people, very pleasant. I think I was a “wee bit cranky” though. I asked a lot of questions, felt frustrated from time to time and probably failed to completely hide it; but couldn’t really tell because… Continue reading Big Bite
My Three Jobs
Two days as a full-time employee and I’m falling down tired by 9 p.m.! Gotta say though, I am liking the job so far. Early days. One happy offshoot of the full-time job is that I travel through a village of some size to get there. That means that I can “pick up” a bag… Continue reading My Three Jobs
Yesterday morning I arose early, 4:30 a.m., because that is when I awoke. I’m at my absolute best when I first wake up in the morning. My mind is instantly active, my ideas racing and my focus intense. So I took all that and organized my email account so that I can easily access critical… Continue reading Morning