Beautiful Day

Another beautiful day. The white is retreating rapidly now, the landscape is more brown than white. This morning time was spent collecting fallen branches from the yard. The mature trees are tall and generate a lot of dead wood, which falls to the ground during wind storms. By the time spring arrives there is quite… Continue reading Beautiful Day

Double Entry

We headed for our little house in the city on Friday night. There is no Internet connection there, no television and only a cell phone for communication. I wrote an entry on my laptop, but couldn’t post it with no access to the Internet. So here it is below, making this a double entry. We… Continue reading Double Entry


Three inches of snow! That is what greeted us this morning as light crept across the landscape. A few hours later, the snow is beginning to slide off the roof, to land on the deck and gardens with great loud thumps. Music to my ears! I am coping with the visitation of white by keeping… Continue reading Visitors

Blank Pages

The key to consistency for me, is occasional interruption. Routines are great, as long as they can be set aside at will, to be taken up again later. For a while, each morning, this blog page sat open and blank on the screen at startup. That became an open invitation for shared misery during the… Continue reading Blank Pages