Preaching to the Converted

I’ve been writing in this journal for over a decade now. I’ve presented myself honestly; although not entirely, given the broad nature of the media. I’ve always felt stranded on a small psychic island, with a few special people, in a sea of mediocrity and denial. My recurring childhood nightmare was one where particular familiar… Continue reading Preaching to the Converted

Clutter Queens

Attila and I discussed a trip to the village this morning, a trip I would take.  It snowed all night and it is still snowing.  I can hear snow blowers in the distance, as people clear their drives.  Soon the plows will be clearing the roads.  Perhaps tomorrow would be a better day for a… Continue reading Clutter Queens

Are we there yet?

Last night when we went to bed it was raining.  This morning everything out there is frozen solid and snow flakes are dancing out of the sky, eventually resting lightly to form a gauzy blanket over hard, hard world. Yesterday, the first day of 2011, Attila and I did a lot of puttering about.  As… Continue reading Are we there yet?


Attila and I set forth on Friday last for our little house in the city.  We arrived Christmas Eve day, after an uneventful drive on bare, dry roads. As we drove up to the little house, a smiling metal sculpted snowman smiled at us from the front porch.  Terra and Lares had been busy acting… Continue reading Plentiful