Last night we had our first frost. The leaves on the squash plants had a thin coating of ice on them. Today Attila is picking the last of the green tomatoes and peppers, which will not be canned. The peppers will be used in cooking over the next few days, and the green tomatoes laid… Continue reading First Frost and the Last Canning Project
Author: Maggie Turner
Ups and Downs
The weather continues to be relatively warm and pleasant. It rains from time to time, yesterday the wind was strong and unpleasant, but mostly it is sunny, breezy, and just about perfect for this time of year. Food preservation is winding down. Today we are canning pickled peppers, and it may be the last sizeable… Continue reading Ups and Downs
Cooler Weather
The weather is at last cooling down a bit. The tomatoes and peppers do not approve, at all. The celery and the brassicas don’t mind in the least. The humans on the property are relieved, hopefully no more heat waves until next summer. The cooler weather means that working out at the Camp is more… Continue reading Cooler Weather
Three Sheets of Newspaper and a Match
This week saw a second outing to the Camp. There is much to be done at the Camp. Attila trims the weeds, to make a lawn of sorts, it looks beautiful to us. Cutting the lawn takes up a lot of time, but has many benefits. It cuts down on the mosquitoes and other undesirable… Continue reading Three Sheets of Newspaper and a Match
A Day Trip
Yesterday was very warm in the sun. Today is supposed to be warm in the sun. Overnight temperatures are falling into the teens. I wonder if we will get a heat wave this month, this does not quite qualify as such. Most Septembers that I can remember featured a short heat wave. The first year… Continue reading A Day Trip