What Canning Equipment Do I Use?

Every August our garden gives us vine ripened tomatoes. The year Attila grew regular Beefsteak, Health Kick (a Roma variety), and Sicilian Saucer tomatoes. The Beefsteak and Sicilian Saucer tomatoes are very tasty, and both make wonderful toasted tomato sandwiches. I do love a BLT sandwich, but bacon is a rare treat, and lettuce is… Continue reading What Canning Equipment Do I Use?

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Shingrix Symptoms Gone

My Shingrix symptoms are mostly gone, only some muscular pain remains, and it is easy to ignore. I feel very lucky that the effects of the shot were brief, intense, but brief. So back to the kitchen! My day started with slicing a fresh loaf of bread made yesterday, and baking a new loaf today.… Continue reading Shingrix Symptoms Gone

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Shingrix Number Two

On Monday afternoon, August 12, I had my second Shingrix shot. I was fine for a few hours, then became extremely chilled. By bedtime I had a fever, chills, a severe headache, and pain all over my body. Last night was awful. There was no comfortable position. The symptoms intensified, and when I arose I… Continue reading Shingrix Number Two

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