Extended Adolescence

I recently read an article by a married woman, a mother, who publicly outed her “eccentric” Dad as a disappointment in her life, with glorious derisive details. She seems to believe that all people feel as she does, when she says, “Here’s the thing about kids with eccentric parents: we never stop holding out hope… Continue reading Extended Adolescence

Another Way of Seeing Things

March 23, 2015, Little House in The City uncompromising: un|com¦prom|is¦ing Definition of uncompromising in English: adjective 1 Showing an unwillingness to make concessions to others, especially by changing one’s ways or opinions: as an uncompromising Protestant he felt that his country ought to be at war with Spain his voice was uncompromising 1.1 Harsh or… Continue reading Another Way of Seeing Things