I just have to start, just start, writing again! The working world is swallowing my energy whole! There, there, I’m telling myself, I’m still here. I am writing, am I not? Attila and I have been working, working, working and little else. Every evening after dinner I attempt to clean off my desk, and after… Continue reading Makin’ Our Own
Category: December
December Entries
Year of the Golden Tiger
Well, here we are at the end of another year. This past year, 2010, was supposedly, according to soothsayers, the high point of my existence here on planet earth. I am a Tiger. The Year of the Golden Tiger ends February 2, 2011, when we enter the Year of the Rabbit. Although this past year… Continue reading Year of the Golden Tiger
Attila and I set forth on Friday last for our little house in the city. We arrived Christmas Eve day, after an uneventful drive on bare, dry roads. As we drove up to the little house, a smiling metal sculpted snowman smiled at us from the front porch. Terra and Lares had been busy acting… Continue reading Plentiful
Lunar Eclipse falls on the Solstice, 1638, 1703 and 2010
At 2:41 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, December 21, 2010 a lunar eclipse started. December 21 is also the Solstice. What was the world like, centuries ago, when this phenomena occurred in the past? I could copy and paste a list of the large political events that occurred in specific areas in 1638 and 1703. However,… Continue reading Lunar Eclipse falls on the Solstice, 1638, 1703 and 2010
Clogged Ink
The month of December has seen me attending a program for old workers. As result I am not home during the day. That means we have only two fires in the masonry heater (fireplace) each day. Nights have been cold, below -15C, for quite a while now. We need a third fire during the day,… Continue reading Clogged Ink