Sad News for the Family

I received news of the passing of my cousin today, my heart is heavy with the loss. I am thinking of her husband and her son, such a tremendous loss. I am thinking of her younger sister, who travelled far to be with her, such a comfort. I am thinking of her oldest sister who… Continue reading Sad News for the Family

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First Canning Project of 2025

Usually the items I can are consumed over the course of several years. Not so applesauce. When the most recent one litre jar was brought up from the pantry, there was only one full jar left on the shelf downstairs. Clearly, since it is about six months until apple harvest season returns, I did not… Continue reading First Canning Project of 2025

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We went for a walk yesterday evening, so cold! Today isn’t much better, we walk in full winter regalia. Attila is beginning to turn his head towards the yard and the outdoors. Spring is calling his name. I am adamantly insisting that the pantry project be brought to a close before attention is turned elsewhere.… Continue reading Cold!

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Sitting on the Porch

It is the first day of spring tomorrow, it arrived a day early. Today the temperature rose to 18C. It was sunny and mild. I took full advantage of this and spent a few hours sitting outside on the back porch. It was lovely to sit in the sun, listening to the birds and the… Continue reading Sitting on the Porch

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Hanging Out The Laundry

A sunny day, a beautiful day. We went for a walk early this morning and it was still well below freezing. No matter, much of the snow has melted, and the birds are joyous. I still bundled up in my wind proof trousers, my boots, my parka, and a warm hat. This morning my clean… Continue reading Hanging Out The Laundry

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