The remnants of Hurricane Beryl passed over us today. We had very heavy rain, no wind to speak of, no hail. The rain was welcome, it filled the rain barrels, nourished the garden, and washed the air. This evening I am contemplating life, how short it is, how each of us has a story, the… Continue reading Passing Over
Category: Journal
personal journal
Hot and Humid
Another hot sunny day here, and humid! Attila has his axe in hand. and is chopping firewood today. He is much more heat tolerant than I am. I melt in the heat, just can’t tolerate it with any degree of grace or physical comfort. So I stay indoors on days like this, where we control… Continue reading Hot and Humid
Heat of Summer
We are heading into the heat of summer now. An early morning walk was in order, trying to beat the heat of the day. The effort was not entirely successful, as it was hot and humid before 7:00 a.m., and the sun was blistering as soon as it rose above the horizon. But the walk… Continue reading Heat of Summer
Adventures and Fireflies
This past week Attila and I have been enjoying the lights of an evening. The fireflies flickered about the back yard, providing us with a wonderful show. Eventually though, the mosquitoes caught on to our presence on the back porch, arrived in force, and drove us back indoors. It was lovely while it lasted. There… Continue reading Adventures and Fireflies
Colonscopy Office
It is over! I had a seven day preparation, that became more intrusive with each passing day. It culminated the last day with an eleven hour placement in my temporary colonoscopy office. I did not dare leave my seat, the consequences of wandering being extremely unpleasant. So I setup an office around my temporary seating,… Continue reading Colonscopy Office