Oh the weather outside is frightful… so the song goes. We have had spring snow, intermittently with rain, since Tuesday night [today is Friday]. It was even snowing lightly when I was out in the yard this morning, and the wind is brisk and chilly. It won’t be long though before things begin to warm… Continue reading Wintry start to April
Category: Journal
personal journal
Kindred Souls
Sometimes I read, or view, or hear, something that expressed what I’ve always believed and said, but in a different way. I’ve been watching a Chinese series called The Story of Ming Lan, and enjoy it very much. The subtitles are in English, and I have no way of knowing the quality of the translation… Continue reading Kindred Souls
March is coming to an end.
March will be over in just a few days. March is an odd month in my universe, I associate it with restlessness, sorrow, and joy. The restlessness is related to many years of experiencing the intensity of cabin fever in March, when we lived in the country house. There the snow blanketed the landscape from… Continue reading March is coming to an end.
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Just a Thought
Someone just shared that when they read a novel they visualize the characters, sometimes as a film actor, or celebrity they have seen.I had to think about this.No, I definitely do not do this, at all. The exterior ego presentation of humans is not what I pay attention to, it is not what I see… Continue reading Just a Thought