The key to consistency for me, is occasional interruption. Routines are great, as long as they can be set aside at will, to be taken up again later. For a while, each morning, this blog page sat open and blank on the screen at startup. That became an open invitation for shared misery during the… Continue reading Blank Pages
Category: Journal
personal journal
Will Melt
Transition: “the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another”. So says my computer’s dictionary. That is definitely what I am experiencing today, transition. I was numb, my feelings buried deep so as not to be evident in any way, so as not to set off the hostility and retaliation… Continue reading Will Melt
All Gone
Complete, over, water under the bridge, old news… my last hours at the old office, with the negative coworker, came, and are now gone. All gone. I am blank. The sun is shining, guiding me back to composure and balance. We are now officially out of firewood. All gone. It was a long, cold winter.… Continue reading All Gone
So Tired
One more day to go. Tomorrow is my last day as an employee at this office, as of Monday I am based out of the new office. This was the last day working with the negative coworker. No surprises today, just tedium, not so bad. Tomorrow I work there alone, so it remains to be… Continue reading So Tired
Better Days to Come
As the week progresses, the pressure felt by my negative coworker to mount final attacks increases. This last week has been one of missing items. Where an item needed to perform customer service was nowhere to be found, while I was dealing with the customer, the customer became distressed. I searched for that item a… Continue reading Better Days to Come