Last night, in my dreams, I rode a polar bear across a white and frozen landscape; resplendent in a richly hand embroidered and beaded, colourful, full length overcoat and long flowing white hair. Today should be a day of domestic goddessing. Maybe. Maybe not. The insurance company has just sent along an additional increase in… Continue reading Flowing White Hair
Category: Journal
personal journal
WORDS: a poem
Early morning, just after first light, is the most delightful time of day. This morning it is -22C, and yet the maple tree growing just outside my window, that stands tall in the sun, dares tips of budding red. Its branches reach towards the light knowingly. Spring will come. I am feeling rather fine this… Continue reading WORDS: a poem
House Fly
Another sure sign that spring is on the way: a house fly buzzing around the light fixture in the bathroom. He is no more. This morning the temperature is 1C, above freezing. By mid morning the temperature will drop to below freezing and we will have a flash freeze. Tonight the temperature will fall to… Continue reading House Fly
A Lot of Good People
Sometimes even I think I am a little strange. Here is where I went at 5:25 a.m. this morning, while Attila sawed logs sleeping in. I was looking at quotations. I read a quotation by Pascal. I got thinking about algebra. I loved algebra in high school, and was feeling warm hearted towards integers and… Continue reading A Lot of Good People
Snow Gage: Snow Topped Boulder
What a beautiful day. The small clouds stream, speeding across a brilliant blue sky. The pines are swaying, sighing in the gusty wind. Shadows dance. Snow devils whirl. A visual delight. Attila took two hours to remove the snow from the deck this afternoon. This was the second time he has undertaken to remove the… Continue reading Snow Gage: Snow Topped Boulder