
Ageism, the lucky amongst us are going to face this type of discrimination, later rather than sooner. I urge every one of us to keep an eye on how we interact with people younger or older than ourselves. Respect for differences should cover just about any situation. When we assume the way we look at… Continue reading Ageism


This morning I awoke at five to find Attila up and engaging the day. He is going in to work early, as it is very busy and he wants to get a start on things early. Before leaving for work Attila has started a fire in the wood stove downstairs to keep the place warm… Continue reading Kindling

What on earth…

I just had to write again today. I don’t know how I bumped into this collections of photos on the net. I don’t know what I could possibly have in common with a New York beat cop. I don’t know what constitutes excellence in the world of photography. I don’t care either. I know that… Continue reading What on earth…

Little things…

Attila and I headed for the little house over the Thanksgiving weekend.  We took the scenic route, thinking that the sunny day would enhance the colours of the fall leaves.  The sunny day was breathtaking, but most of the leaves had fallen.  No matter, we enjoyed our drive, even if it took an extra hour.… Continue reading Little things…