Rain, rain, rain

This morning we awoke to heavy rain.  We are to expect thunderstorm activity this morning.  A dreary, dripping landscape stretches as far as the eye can see. Attila and I have decided to paint our main living space.  The main living space is a dark green, the colour it was the day we moved into… Continue reading Rain, rain, rain

Earth Quake

Yesterday, as Attila was walking through the kitchen towards the stove, pots began to rattle.  I thought it was just Attila’s heavy foot on the kitchen floor.  But no, when I glanced up at him he was not moving.  We looked at each other, puzzled.  Perhaps large trucks at the construction site a few doors… Continue reading Earth Quake

Baby Bear

Yesterday at breakfast I glanced out the front window at our driveway.  Sauntering across the road was a young bear, who moved slowly through the wooded area next to the driveway and then headed off into the wild. I think that bear paid another visit this morning.  I did not observe the visitor, but our… Continue reading Baby Bear


One of the things I like least about using WordPress is that you need to update it periodically.  I ALWAYS fail the first time round.  Always.  This time I tried the automatic update feature, because it seemed as if it would be simpler.  Ahem.  Not in my capable hands it wasn’t!  “An Automated WordPress update… Continue reading Continuity