This week saw a second outing to the Camp. There is much to be done at the Camp. Attila trims the weeds, to make a lawn of sorts, it looks beautiful to us. Cutting the lawn takes up a lot of time, but has many benefits. It cuts down on the mosquitoes and other undesirable… Continue reading Three Sheets of Newspaper and a Match
Category: Journal
personal journal
A Day Trip
Yesterday was very warm in the sun. Today is supposed to be warm in the sun. Overnight temperatures are falling into the teens. I wonder if we will get a heat wave this month, this does not quite qualify as such. Most Septembers that I can remember featured a short heat wave. The first year… Continue reading A Day Trip
Open Windows
Yesterday was quite a busy day for all occupants of Mist Cottage. Attila split firewood, further reducing the pile of ash logs in the back yard. The bark had fallen away over the course of a year, so that needed to be burned. The apple tree that had been pruned last fall provided a few… Continue reading Open Windows
The Traditional Camp
In early August we decided that it was time to visit our traditional camp, which is a five hour and twenty minute drive from where we now live. It used to be around an hour drive from our country house, but no longer. The decision was made to wait until the first week in September… Continue reading The Traditional Camp
This morning arrived with a beautiful sunrise. The temperature was 10C, but the thermal mass of the landscape has not yet cooled, making for a very pleasant morning coffee on the back porch. This morning Attila picked more jalapeño peppers, diced them with some onion, which I transformed into a batch of canned Cowboy Candy.… Continue reading Rambling