One of the jars of Tomato Salsa did not seal yesterday. There were two 1 ½ litre jars of milled tomatoes leftover from yesterday’s canning, which were refrigerated overnight. First thing this morning, I put a new lid and ring on the jar of salsa, and placed it in the steam canner. Then I boiled… Continue reading One Hundred Pounds of Tomatoes: Day Four
Category: Journal
personal journal
One Hundred Pounds of Tomatoes: Day Three
7:10 a.m., Sunday, August 11. At 5:30 a.m. this morning I arose and headed for the kitchen. The first thing I did was take the Chili Sauce out of the refrigerator and put it on the range to cook. Attila prepared the ingredients last night, and they sat in the refrigerator, ready for me this… Continue reading One Hundred Pounds of Tomatoes: Day Three
One Hundred Pounds of Tomatoes: Day Two
We were off to a slow start this morning with our canning. The day was lovely, and sitting on the back porch was just way too enticing! The project began in earnest at around 10:00 a.m., two double batches of Tomato Salsa. This salsa is for Attila, as I prefer Salsa Verde. He decided that… Continue reading One Hundred Pounds of Tomatoes: Day Two
One Hundred Pounds of Tomatoes: Day One
Local bulk tomatoes, cucumbers, and green peppers are available at our grocery store. This makes for a “now or never” opportunity for us to access affordable food. We bought 25 pounds of green peppers, and 100 pounds of tomatoes, along with two bunches of celery, and nine pounds of cooking onions. Canning season has kicked… Continue reading One Hundred Pounds of Tomatoes: Day One
Our First Tomato 2024
Yesterday the first tomato from the garden was harvested, and was lovely in the green salad served with dinner. Today another tomato was harvested, for a salad today. Attila left early this morning to take the car in for the required maintenance schedule, to keep the warranty active. He will be gone all morning, leaving… Continue reading Our First Tomato 2024