Forest Fires

It doesn’t come as a surprise, but that doesn’t make it any less upsetting. Attila says we haven’t had an adequate rainfall here since June 11. Things are tinder dry. There are dead and dying trees all over the landscape. And the forest fires we feared are here, well not at our house, but within… Continue reading Forest Fires

Turning the Page

I have a few days off work right now. It goes without saying that every day I am off work, I am looking for a full-time job. My biggest concern is that in this short time away from work I will lose my hard gained physical stamina. I am not a big fan of pain,… Continue reading Turning the Page


When we bought the little house in the city there was a great deal of carpeting in the house. The carpet in the back bedroom was thick with mould, the colour of the carpet buried beneath years of growth. The kitchen cupboards were lined with carpet, carpet soaked many times over with mouse urine and… Continue reading Drought

Turning Point

Like a hot house flower, I am adjusting to my new environment. The first week of physically challenging work the pain was extreme. I’ve kept at it, pacing myself, using pain killers, heating pads and pain killers. I’ve worked through the worst of it I think. I still ache, and I am very, very tired,… Continue reading Turning Point