Nothing happening right now except waiting, waiting, waiting. It is not my favourite activity. Mist, well, she thinks that waiting is just another excuse for a nap. I work at occupying my mind with pleasant thoughts; thoughts that focus on what is right in the world. One of them concerns cooking at the camp. We… Continue reading Waiting
Category: June
June Entries
First Visit
Saturday, May 31, 2014 Last night, when Attila arrived home late from work, after having worked overtime, we had a quick supper, loaded the car with bug spray, loppers, and cleaning supplies, and headed towards the camp. Upon arrival I geared up, with rubber boots, layers of long sleeved shirts, head net over hat with… Continue reading First Visit
Canada Day Long Weekend
Saturday, June 29, 2013 Saturday morning, after a breakfast of Giant Oven Pancake and fresh strawberries, I sat with my coffee contemplating the bathtub drain. It was disgusting when we bought the property, and it has not changed, still disgusting. So I did a bit of reading on the internet, went into the bathroom and… Continue reading Canada Day Long Weekend
Berry Picking
Yesterday the first task on my morning list was to spray the bathroom with aqueous oxygen, to disinfect the mould, and clean the areas around the tub where the drywall had turned into mould balls. There were also a few areas where mice had visited between the exposed studs, and left their little black calling… Continue reading Berry Picking
Getting Ready to Wash
Yesterday was a work day at the little house in the city. I began the day by calling Attila via Skype, just after 5 a.m.,just to say good morning. The call was a little ray of sunshine, very brief, very pleasant. Next on the agenda was a hot cup of coffee, which I sipped as… Continue reading Getting Ready to Wash