The upshot of my issues accessing my web sites from my home computers is that the composing software I am using accesses a particular file too often, so my account is then automatically locked. Then I have to contact the web host to have my account unlocked. Of course, you can see the post, it… Continue reading Dumpster!
Category: June
June Entries
Two Days Of Vacation Left
9:30 a.m. Attila goes back to work on Monday, two days of renovation vacation left. How much he will get done over the next two days has yet to be determined. When I arose last night at around 1:30 a.m., to use the facilities, Attila was still up and at it. I ventured into the… Continue reading Two Days Of Vacation Left
1:32 p.m. Working late into last evening, Attila’s arms gave out before he could finish installing all of the sheathing on the installed roof rafters. It was after 9:30 p.m. when he threw in the towel. Yesterday was his big push day, and his arms bore the brunt of the big push. In the wee… Continue reading Tired
Welcome Summer
7:45 a.m. Well, here we are, the first day of summer in the northern hemisphere, planet earth. Glad to be here to see it! If you are reading, glad that you are here to see it (or the first day of winter for those of you in the southern hemisphere, planet earth). Isn’t it wonderful… Continue reading Welcome Summer
Another Demolition Day
Last night I could not sleep. At 4:30 a.m. I finally drifted off, only to awaken at 7:30 a.m., not because I had to, only because my being decided not to sleep. I am feeling overwhelmed by this renovation. I arose, opened most of the windows, then hopped in the shower. After puttering around until… Continue reading Another Demolition Day