Spring at Last

Spring has arrived in full force! The leaves have burst out over the last week or so and are growing larger and larger, day by day. There are wonderful smells in the forest, as green things spring to life. The wild cherry blossoms have a particularly lovely scent. The black flies are atrocious and the… Continue reading Spring at Last


What a week! I worked at my full-time job all week, and had the evenings off, which was wonderful. I worked at my old part-time job on Friday and Saturday. Attila worked his usual six day week. On Sunday last I finally had a whole day off work, the first since Easter Monday. Attila and… Continue reading Deluge

Moving Along Nicely

I’ve worked every day since April 25th. Still moving along nicely. What I am thinking about this morning, May 10, 2011 at 6:15 a.m.: Odd to think, really, that what other people see when they look at you is an image you seldom take the time to explore, and can only do so in a… Continue reading Moving Along Nicely

Catching Up

I ended up working on Sunday, Mother’s Day. It wasn’t for too long, but it meant that I didn’t get to disengage from the demands of paid labour. I did get to talk with the girls, and my Mom, and my sisters, so it was a wonderful Mother’s Day. I am looking forward to next… Continue reading Catching Up