Musty Cushions

Monday, May 9th, 201§ The weekend passed quietly and pleasantly. Attila and I took a whirlwind overnight trip to visit my Mom, staying with my sister-the-middle-girl and her husband. Mom is doing great, slowly building her strength, recovering very nicely. On Saturday we all went to Niagara Falls, Attila and I, both of my sisters,… Continue reading Musty Cushions

The Quiet

[Written Sunday Night] It is quiet here tonight. I sit at the kitchen table. I can hear the intermittent patter of rain, on the awning, just outside the kitchen window. We are alone together, those insistent raindrops and I. They remind me that the world is carrying on regardless of human feelings, and they comfort… Continue reading The Quiet

Trying To Reach You

A quiet day with pencils. And rhubarb. A Doodle: Language Waves A Proem: Trying To Reach You I don’t swim anymore. I remember it though. I remember the cool smooth press of cold water, moving softly, slowly over my skin. I remember the light escaping with each movement, reaching back into the sky. I remember… Continue reading Trying To Reach You