Today we moved the last of the full canning jars onto the new shelves. That feels so good!
We discovered four spoiled jars, one Cowboy Candy, two Cucumber Relish, and one Peach Jam. The Peach Jam is the most disappointing, as fresh peaches aren’t easy to come by.
We also found a few jars that need to be consumed, canned in 2018. They are the oldest in our pantry. Luckily they are all jams and jellies, which last a long time on the pantry shelf. Sugary foods aren’t in much demand for our menus, so I’ve stopped making jams and jellies, at least for the most part. I did make some jars of blueberry jam, and black currant jam, in 2024. They won’t last long, as they are favourites.
Now we move on to the next phase of the pantry project. The bottom shelf of the canning jar shelves is very high. It is high enough to store five gallon buckets. They will sit on pieces of plywood that will roll out on castors, so that I can access them easily. Today we found castors that will hold the weight, and ordered them. They should arrive later this week. No high quality castors are sold near us, and we decided not to spend the money on fuel to drive an hour one-way to the stores in the city.
I am hoping to have the basement organized before the spring weather arrives. Once the weather turns, Attila will be out in the garden setting up the new raised garden beds. All of our projects for 2025 are related to food, rather than home renovation. Although, it is possible that the back door might be replaced before winter returns next all. The old back door is the original, and it was probably a used door when it was installed. It would be lovely for a shed, but it doesn’t keep the cold out of the heated house in the winter.
Winter weather has returned. It was difficult to find sure footing on the road during the morning stroll. The middle of the road was the only surface that wasn’t black ice. We managed, but just, and had to keep ears and eyes alert for vehicles.
The kitchen was a busy place today. Muffins were baked, Kombucha stored in mason jars in the refrigerator, 20 cups of wheat berries were sorted to remove weed seeds and stones (none found), bread was baked, and sliced, croutons were made. As a result tomorrow I will need to start another batch of Kombucha, and mill flour.
We, like many others, are well and truly tired of winter weather. It has interfered with our travel plans, as we thought to visit Mom and Sisters in January, then February, now it is March and the bad weather just keeps coming.
Date: 5:00 PM EST Saturday 1 March 2025
Condition: Mostly Cloudy
Pressure: 100.9 kPa
Tendency: Rising
Temperature: -8.2°C
Dew point: -16.0°C
Humidity: 53%
Wind: WNW 20 gusts 32 km/h
Wind Chill: -16
Visibility: 24 km
“Conscience is the inner voice that warns us somebody may be looking.””
H. L. Mencken
1880 – 1956
I was a little surprised, and disappointed, by this quote, taking it at face value.
I looked up H. L. Mencken, I certainly hope this quote represents satire.
I hope your weather improves and you can soon visit your family! Your pantry sounds so well organized.
Thanks Joan! Now that Attila is retired we can choose to travel when the weather and roads are good, which has not been the case since late January. We don’t want to leave Ginger alone for more than two days at the very most, one day is better… so we worry if we leave when the weather is even remotely threatening, we might not get back to him in a timely manner. He would live of course, but he gets hysterical if he thinks he has been abandoned. So we wait for good weather to travel long distances when we stay away overnight.
The canning shelves are wonderful, and it feels good to know exactly what foods we have on hand. It also helps to know what I’ve canned too much of, and what I haven’t canned enough of. So far too much cucumber relish, and not nearly enough apple sauce.
Best wishes to you Joan!
Maggie, does Ginger eat dry cat food? If so, you can put down big bowls of the cat food and also a lot of bowls of water. I’ve done that a couple of times and never had a problem. Although my cat did enthusiastically welcome me home, it was quickly followed by disapproving looks. “Why did you abandon me?” 🙂
Sounds like Attila did an excellent job with the shelves! And planning for the big buckets was an excellent idea.
We’ve definitely had some extreme winter weather here. The highway outside our neighborhood’s entrance was closed for 8 days! Fortunately, since the closed sign was within view of the entrance we were able to get permission to go grocery shopping and come back.
The forecast here is calling for temps to go up. Tomorrow we’re supposed to be at freezing and then Tues and Wed are supposed to be 41F/5C and 48F/9C. Then beyond that we may get the odd high at or below freezing but most days will be above. Looks like it might be another of those years where Mother Nature flips the switch and we’re in spring.
Sandy, good ideas! Ginger does eat dry cat food, and loves alternative water sources, so that part will work out as long as we aren’t gone too long.
The abandonment issue for Ginger is significant. He follows us around like a puppy all day long. If we are both busy, he will come and find us and give us the business until one of us comes to sit with him. I think we might be spoiling him, lol.
When it is extremely cold, as it has been since late January, we don’t feel confident leaving him to travel long distances away. If the power went out there would be no heat, his water bowls would freeze, he would be in a very bad way if for some unforeseen reason we could not get back to him in a timely manner. The temperature right now is -20C, pretty cold. By Wednesday it is supposed to be 8C, which will be lovely, things are looking up!
Thanks Teri, Attila did a great job on the shelves, I wasn’t sure how they would turn out, and I am so happy with them.
Finding a place for those big buckets is challenging, it will be nice to have them stored away.
Wow, that is extreme, with closed roads for 8 days. I am glad you got out to get supplies. When I look at the active weather maps the graphic representation of the lake effect is striking. Rather nice in summer I would think, but in winter, well wow.
I am really looking forward to the predicted rise in temperatures. Just the last few days I have been feeling really put upon to be bundling up to walk in -30C wind chill weather. I feel like a blimp waddling down the road, with all my layers. I keep warm though, which is the important thing. Stay safe!