Ginger is a happy cat today!
A few hours ago a delivery came to our door. The box held shampoo, and soap. These items were packed with brown paper, lots of it.
While opening the package, I placed the brown paper packing on the living room floor. At first Ginger ran out of the room, afraid of the crackling noise the paper made. He was soon back though, and claimed it all as his very own.
A happy cat!

Ginger napping on his new acquisition, packing paper!
Updated on Fri, Dec 1 at 11:06 AM
Mostly cloudy
Wind 7 NW km/h
Humidity 79 %
Visibility 18 km
Sunrise 7:23 AM
Wind gust 10 km/h
Pressure 101.5 kPa
Ceiling 1700 m
Sunset 4:30 PM
“Pleasure is a by-product of doing something that is worth doing. Therefore, do not seek pleasure as such. Pleasure comes of seeking something else, and comes by the way.”
A. Lawrence Lowell
1856 – 1943
That’s one happy kitty! Cats understand that empty boxes and paper are great toys 🙂
Sandy, cats are so entertaining! Cats and little children understand the value of boxes and paper. I am saving some so Ginger can have a fresh supply for Christmas! 🙂
We had one who thought that kind of brown paper was the best thing ever invented.
Wendy, a kindred spirit! Ginger’s first choice, hands down, is a plastic bag. But he chews on them, so we have to be diligent in depriving him access. Paper is an acceptable substitution.
Ginger might enjoy a donated gift box from Christmas to snuggle in.
Teri, good idea, and as a bonus I can put some crackly plain paper inside the box!
Ginger is adorable! <3
His Highness thanks you for your admiration Joan! 🙂
Awww, so sweet! My two cats also love the brown packing paper and the boxes but best the boxes with the brown paper inside. 🙂
Eileen, the brown packing paper sits on the living room floor, we walk around it so as not to disturb Ginger’s thrown. I hadn’t thought of putting it in a box! So far Ginger has not shown a lot of interest in boxes. A paper lined box might just pique his interest!