House Fly

Another sure sign that spring is on the way: a house fly buzzing around the light fixture in the bathroom. He is no more.

This morning the temperature is 1C, above freezing. By mid morning the temperature will drop to below freezing and we will have a flash freeze. Tonight the temperature will fall to -19C. Earth’s mood swings can be a challenge to deal with.

It has just occurred to me that I have created an entry featuring the house fly on Valentines Day. One of the last great romantics, that’s me! I think it stems from an attempt to ignore candy (too many calories), to ignore romantic dinners at nice restaurants (allergy prevents restaurant dining), to ignore clinking glasses of champagne (wines contain my allergen). One truly gets into the spirit of ignoring what is not advisable, it seeps into the bones. Sensible me.

Attila and I are beginning to plan our next short visit to the little house in the city. We were last there at Christmas, almost two months ago. It was our intention to visit frequently this winter, but the Sunday weather and/or driving conditions prevented travel. Spring is on the way and we will be too, very soon. I may stay there for a week. We took possession of the place last July and have yet to be there on garbage or blue box collection days. The garbage has been traveling back to the country to be disposed of here. The blue box is overflowing at the little house, clearly it needs to be put out on the curb early on a collection day.

There was a nice little program for recipe collecting, Yum, that got so drastically downgraded that it is no longer being developed. The search is on to find the last viable version of that software, and to install it to replace the most recent, flawed version.

Worldly Distractions


1 °C
Condition: Snow
Pressure: 98.8 kPa
Visibility: 4 km
Temperature: 1.0°C
Dewpoint: 0.8°C
Humidity: 99 %
Wind: WSW 21 gust 35 km/


“Among those whom I like or admire, I can find no common denominator, but among those whom I love, I can: all of them make me laugh.”
W. H. Auden
1907 – 1973

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Stubblejumpin' Gal

Gotta love Bette Midler!