Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!

Oh Dorothy! It isn’t Lions and Tigers and Bears in my world right now, oh that it were the only the tin man, the lion and the scarecrow!

My work environment has evolved into almost complete chaos. Half the staff were fired, I was one of them. The lucky ones were let go immediately to look for other work. I am being kept around because I am useful, for now, and for who knows how long.

The new branch manager keeps trying to convince me to go all out to save the company. Buddy, I’ve been fired, probably at your suggestion. Look elsewhere for a knight in shining armour. Really!!! This takes navel gazing to a whole new level.

So, universe, are you listening up there. I need a viable alternative, whatever that might be. I am open to suggestion universe, surprise me if you need to. But please, make it good if you can.

Attila and I are making progress in getting the 1998 Tercel back on the road. I picked up brake shoes from the automotive supply store on my way home from work today. Hopefully these repairs will give the car a new lease on life, until we can live comfortably with only one car.

It snowed yesterday, all day. It all melted away and the roads were wet but not slippery, no ill effect on driving conditions. After that amazing warm spell, the weather seems very chilly and wet!

We have had a lot of freezing weather in the last few weeks, and still the daffodils are bursting to bloom!

Worldly Distractions


8 °C
Condition: Cloudy
Pressure: 101.9 kPa
Visibility: 16 km
Temperature: 7.5°C
Dewpoint: -2.2°C
Humidity: 50 %
Wind: N 13 gust 30 km/h


“Even on the most exalted throne in the world we are only sitting on our own bottom.”
Michel de Montaigne
1533 – 1592

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Oh, wow. I hate that. You’re fired, but still work your tail off to save us. Uh, no. That is your job now! Sorry about the bad news though. I was praying that your part of the job would last a bit longer.