One of the jars of Tomato Salsa did not seal yesterday. There were two 1 ½ litre jars of milled tomatoes leftover from yesterday’s canning, which were refrigerated overnight. First thing this morning, I put a new lid and ring on the jar of salsa, and placed it in the steam canner. Then I boiled the milled tomatoes leftover from yesterday, filling two quart jars, and a partial 500-ml jar. These were placed in the steam canner. I processed all of the jars together, and they all sealed.
There are some green peppers left from the half bushel we bought, Attila will chop and freeze them today.
The kitchen and living room are a mess. I’ve been washing equipment, drying it, then storing it away. The range, the walls, the floor, the kitchen cupboard doors, the refrigerator exterior, the window… well, tomato splatters a lot, so I have a lot of cleaning to do.
The big job today is dealing with all the jars of canned tomato product. They all have to labelled. The rings must be removed, washed in hot soapy water and dried. All of the jars need to be washed in warm soapy water, a very big job. I clean around the lid very carefully, as there is always a bit of siphoning, and the contents of the jars is acidic, corrosive to lids. Each jar takes almost a minute to clean.Yesterday we canned 38 jars of tomato products, Chili Sauce, and Tomato Sauce.

Each jar needs to be washed and dried before going into the pantry.
These, plus the jars canned on Friday and Saturday, are a year’s supply of tomato products for us.
Today I had my second Shingrix shot, so far I am feeling fine, but if the first shot is any indication, very soon I won’t be feeling so great. This is a small price to pay for protection against shingles.
Date: 4:00 PM EDT Monday 12 August 2024
Condition: Partly Cloudy
Pressure: 101.5 kPa
Tendency: Rising
Temperature: 22.0°C
Dew point: 13.4°C
Humidity: 58%
Wind: NNW 18 km/h
Humidex: 25
Visibility: 24 km
“A problem is a chance for you to do your best.”
Duke Ellington (1899 – 1974)
Congrats on finishing the tomatoes! Take it easy after the shot!
Thanks Joan, it got really intense yesterday, today we are getting it all cleaned up and ready for smaller projects involving the garden harvest.
So far I feel fine, the last shot hit me after I went to bed for the night, very much like an unpleasant flu. Maybe I will get off lightly this time!
What kind of texture do frozen green peppers have, Maggie? How do you use them?
Teri, they the flesh gets mushy, and the skins get tough when you freeze green peppers. I sprinkle chopped frozen green peppers on pizza, the moisture will cook off and mostly just the taste remains. I also add them to soups, and casseroles, we eat a lot of soups and casseroles during the winter months, so it is nice to have a variety of vegetables to add to those. The don’t freeze well for using as if they were fresh.