Weighing Options

I’ve been living with a life-threatening condition since 1984. It is anaphylaxis, and with extreme diligence I’ve survived thus far. It has altered the way I live my life, no restaurants, no pot luck dinners, no enjoying homemade food gifts, and worst of all, the allergen is a non-medicinal ingredient in some medications, making human… Continue reading Weighing Options

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It has been a long, long time since my hair has been cut by a hairdresser. I dislike going to the hairdresser, with one exception, Michael, who cut my hair in the 1990s in the little city. He was a lovely human being, and did a wonderful job. I miss him. We moved away from… Continue reading Obsessed

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Camp Fire

Last night conditions were perfect for a camp fire. I watched while Attila burned the last two bags of sensitive data paper in the fire pit, along with the last of the branches from the dead ash tree, and the dead branches from the spruce trees. The piles of brush are gone! But the piles… Continue reading Camp Fire

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Turning on the Heat

This morning I turned the heat on. The house had cooled to 18C, just a little too cool to sit in comfort. We awoke to a world in white, the temperature dipped below freezing, and it snowed overnight, a thick dusting. Attila tells me we have one last fresh salad for our dinner tomorrow evening.… Continue reading Turning on the Heat

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Autumn Weather

Autumn weather arrived overnight. It has been warm through October. So warm in fact that it was too warm in the house, despite open windows. I’ve been tempted to turn on the air conditioning, but managed with a fan. This morning the interior temperature of the house is 21C, which is much cooler than it… Continue reading Autumn Weather

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