Kaleidoscope: kaleidoscope |kəˈlīdəˌskōp| noun a toy consisting of a tube containing mirrors and pieces of colored glass or paper, whose reflections produce changing patterns that are visible through an eyehole when the tube is rotated. Sounds lovely doesn’t it? Not always though. I have suffered in the past from migraine headaches. They have resulted in… Continue reading Kaleidoscope
Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!
Oh Dorothy! It isn’t Lions and Tigers and Bears in my world right now, oh that it were the only the tin man, the lion and the scarecrow! My work environment has evolved into almost complete chaos. Half the staff were fired, I was one of them. The lucky ones were let go immediately to… Continue reading Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!
That change I was talking about earlier…
Change has been in the air and it is beginning to materialize. About a decade ago I had a week to remember, and not in a good way. Unforgettable. This week was another such week. I will relay the experiences in order of importance. Quite by accident, I found the Death Notice for my cousin,… Continue reading That change I was talking about earlier…
Change! The little car that we bought in 1998 has decided to retire. Attila had been driving it to work and back until last Thursday, when the brake lines failed completely, just as he arrived home. Unfortunately that was the “straw that broke the camel’s back”, as they say. We have had thirteen years of… Continue reading Straws
If I knew just what to say…
The extraordinarily warm weather is slipping away. The temperature will fall below freezing tonight. Although seasonal conditions are returning, it seems wrong. How quickly I have acclimatized to gentle warmth. Harriet and Hogan are visiting their cottage this weekend, putting things in order for summer enjoyment. Our paths will not intercept. Their trips to the… Continue reading If I knew just what to say…