Snow Storm

The snow started yesterday evening, it continues today, mixed with freezing rain and ice pellets. We had an appointment today, saw the weather report yesterday, cancelled, and setup another appointment with hopefully better weather. We aren’t venturing off the property today. Attila is busy, shovelling snow, and ice, and working on his pantry project in… Continue reading Snow Storm

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Chaos Begins

The phone rang just as we were about to sit down to our lunch. It was the delivery driver for the lumber yard, he could not find our house. Our house is difficult to find. Attila told him he would go out to the end of the driveway and wave the truck down as it… Continue reading Chaos Begins

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Winter Walking

Winter is with us, this first day of February! It was cold last night, the wind chill was -27C. Attila and I went out for a stroll. It takes a lot of effort to dress warmly for this kind of weather, particularly if you are assembling an outfit with pieces not designed for the challenge.… Continue reading Winter Walking

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Family Doctor

This entry is all about medical stuff. At last, we have a family doctor! I met them for the first time this week, and really like them. The appointment was to review the results of the cardiac testing that was done in December. It was setup to check my heart based on a bit of… Continue reading Family Doctor

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