Friday, September 16, 2011 I’ve just worked five days and day number six is tomorrow. It has been a relatively good week, there were even a few very good days at work. I enjoyed it while I could. Attila and I are going to see the GrandBabies this weekend. The visit will be short but… Continue reading Short But Sweet
Easier said than done!
Attila and I took a one week vacation from work. Sounds lovely, doesn’t it. I looked forward to it so very much. And now it is over. What did we do during our one week of rest and relaxation. We scraped, power-washed and sanded four layers of exterior paint from our little house in the… Continue reading Easier said than done!
Here it is almost 5:00 am and I am wide awake! Why? Since 3:00 am this morning I’ve been pondering an incident that occurred at work yesterday. I missed an important call, luckily my supervisor in head office caught it, called me and gave me a heads up. I am responsible for dispatching, among hundreds… Continue reading Overtime
Just when you think…
I have worked the last two Saturdays. On Monday morning I was saying to Attila how glad I was to work only a five-day week this week. By Monday afternoon I had agreed to work this Saturday. Just when I thought I was going to have a few days off, bingo, someone comes along and… Continue reading Just when you think…
Coming up for air…
Before going to work… Lately I’ve been feeling a little overwhelmed by the poor management at work, wondering why the supervisor doesn’t just make that return phone call to a customer, show up for that appointment on time etc. At the moment there aren’t any checks and balances taking place on his activities, hope the… Continue reading Coming up for air…