
I wrote a whole post, got distracted looking at another site and closed the window for my entry by mistake. Poof! Gone forever. LOL I’m looking out the windows this morning at a chilly world. It was -10C when I arose at 5:12 this morning, now it is a warm -2C, with a hint of… Continue reading Wings


Morning Installment If I ever needed a bright sunny morning, it would be this morning. It has arrived, I am sitting in the sunshine, basking in it, as I sit at the keyboard. Attila and I will be home from work by lunch time. We will be sticking close to home because of the flashing… Continue reading Apologizing

Here and There, Minute and Massive: Bad Energy is Bad Energy

The forecast for today is for warm and sunny weather! I will only be working for two hours, and fully intend to bask in the sunshine during the rest of the day. We continue firing the masonry heater twice a day, as it can still be quite cold at night. The low temperatures for the… Continue reading Here and There, Minute and Massive: Bad Energy is Bad Energy