House Fly

Another sure sign that spring is on the way: a house fly buzzing around the light fixture in the bathroom. He is no more. This morning the temperature is 1C, above freezing. By mid morning the temperature will drop to below freezing and we will have a flash freeze. Tonight the temperature will fall to… Continue reading House Fly

A Lot of Good People

Sometimes even I think I am a little strange. Here is where I went at 5:25 a.m. this morning, while Attila sawed logs sleeping in. I was looking at quotations. I read a quotation by Pascal. I got thinking about algebra. I loved algebra in high school, and was feeling warm hearted towards integers and… Continue reading A Lot of Good People

goin crazy

The snow squalls were interesting yesterday. At times the sky looked like it was clearing, shortly thereafter all you could see out the window was snow. When I drove home from work yesterday it was snowing hard, and a sudden strong blast of wind brought additional snow showering out of the towering roadside trees. Visibility… Continue reading goin crazy


Assumptions are the bane of my existence. Many fields of scholarship have alluded to the inherent weakness of calcified shared assumptions, such as education and business (see below). Although shared assumptions can be a very healthy way of maintaining balanced social interactions, once they cease to evolve freely they become rhetorically and functionally tautological (see… Continue reading Assumptions