Out of Step

I am still attempting to elicit a response, since January 24th, other than “he’ll get back to you”, from our lawyer. He holds funds in trust for us and I simply want to know if they were paid out to the government. This is not a complicated question, yes or no, so I fear that… Continue reading Out of Step

Cold Out There

Last night was a bit colder than expected, -29C at six this morning. Attila’s diligent attention to the hearth fires yesterday has succeeded in keeping the house reasonably comfortable. There is just a touch of chill in the air, in the house, this morning. I must dress warmly to stay comfortable. If I dress warmly… Continue reading Cold Out There

Cabin Fever

Suddenly we have cabin fever here; I have cabin fever.  Curses! Besides the now ongoing challenge of cabin fever, life is pretty good. As often happens, the universe conspires to delight me in small ways.  For instance, as I was glumly driving to work yesterday morning the sun suddenly illuminated a panorama of beauty, right… Continue reading Cabin Fever


The house is once again cozy and warm.  The weather outside has warmed considerably and the thermal mass in the house is warming as well. We signed up for a free month of Netflix, and I’ve been hard at work making the most of the service while we have it.  I’ve been checking out programs… Continue reading Warming